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New Protocols For Your Dental Visit



1.    Virtual waiting room


Upon arrival please remain in your vehicle and call the office at 443 542 9519 to inform us of your arrival. A team member will come out to receive you when it is time to come in. Only the patient is permitted entry.



2.     Health Questionnaire


A health questionaire is completed twice in most cases. The first time is a few days before your appointment and the second is completed in your virtual waiting room when you come for your visit.



3.     Face Masks and hand sanitizing


Masks covering the nose and mouth are required for entry. Do not remove your mask until your dental chair is moved backwards or until directed to do so by the doctor or assistant. Put on your mask once your dental chair is brought to an upright position.

Hand sanitizer is provided upon entry. Hand washing facilities are available if preferred.



4.     Vitals screening


Upon entry into the office your temperature and O2 saturation readings will be taken.



5.     Scheduling changes


The way appointments are scheduled has been modified to optimize social distancing.



6.     Enhanced PPE


Surgical respirators and masks

Hair covering

Protective gowns

Goggles and Faceshields


We will look a little different but we are still a team that is happy to see you and to serve you and your family on your journey towards optimal oral health.


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